The pipes that have to be fixed are leaking water. The pipes require a Repair skill of at least 30 to fix them. When asked why he can't fix them, he says he hasn't got the time and he needs to keep an eye on the plant. When asked 'What needs to be done around here', Walter asks for the broken pipes around Megaton to be fixed. LOL, guess I ain't got much evil in me, I've never sided with Tenpenny and in NV, I've never sided with the Legion. Treatment is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3. Oh, and I always do the Megaton quests first to get the house and then I go grab Dogmeat from the wrecking yard. *For anyone who has never found it, the hollow rock is about 20+ feet from the back wall near the small dead tree I always grab the one from the hollow rock outside the far back wall of Megaton. Having a sniper rifle early game is great. :ninjabear: NinjaBear approved :ninjabear: If you manage to get the quest "replicated man" started early enough, you can pick up the A23 Plasma rifle reward while you are in Rivet city doing the last parts of the wasteland survival quest~ which sets you up nicely for the rest of your playthrough. Then plunder Springvale and head to Megaton to do the wasteland survival quest early on. Originally posted by Killcreek2:From 101, head west uphill to the near barn - a sniper rifle is inside, great to have really early on simply for the scope sight, actually firing it is optional.